Kennisgeving en Waarden | TABLE OF CONTENTS



From Ceremonial Kingship Plus Ultra To Royal Corporate Maritime Ultra Vires - ARREST




1. Common Law - the Law of the Land, the Universe of the Eternal 


2. Maritime Admiralty Law: Law of the High Sea 


3. Imperial Roman Maximum in maritime law 


4. Emperor 


5. Empress 


6. Empire 


7. The Low Land Empire 


8. The Low Land Empire is located at The Netherlands 


9. Lohas - Low Lands - The Netherlands, Lohas, Atlantis, the area that is now called Amsterdam. 


10. The political unit of the Kingdom of Netherlands 


11. Celtec Maji Grail King Line 


12. Ridderzaal The Hague - Hall of Knights 


13. World Government Illuminatie One World Order 


14. Life Style New Age Channeling Movement 


15. Freemason C*r*na C*vid Genocide Crusades 


16. Magna Carta 1214, Charter of the Forest 1217, Cathars 1244 


17. SAC - Supreme Authority of the Children 


18. Leviathan Anti-Christiac King lines and Real Estate Clearing 


19. The Statement of Beneficiary Acceptance (SBA/VBA) and additional In Kryst Standing trust inheritance documents 


20. The Sole Per Stirpes Heir Has Transfigured Ceremonial Kingship Plus Ultra And Royal C*r*na C*vid Corporate Maritime Ultra Vires To Sole Per Stirpes Heir Non (Nec) Plus Ultra 


21. The Individual Act of Inheriting Kryst Trust Account Capacity 


22. Third Parties without the individual Act of Inheriting Kryst Trust Account Capacity 


23. Testamentary Kryst Trust Account 


24. Will Helmet U.S. 


25. The founding of 'America' 


26. Will Hell M(edici) U.S. What Is HELL ? 


27. King Emperor VVillem Alexander presides the Council of State 


28. Maritime admiralty municipalities in The Netherlands Magna Carta of Holland, Jan zonder Land and Imperial Teutonic Order

Black Nobility John Lackland; Jean sans Terre; Johann Ohneland, Söderland an area where the land is at, near, or below the level of the sea and where there are not usually mountains or large hills. 


29. For Free / Gratuit 


30. Ceremonial Kingship Plus Ultra Royal Corporate Maritime Free Man Ultra Vires Non Plus Ultra Nec Plus Ultra (Let there) not (be) more (sailing) beyond (powers). 




32. copyright/copyclaim all rights and dominion claimed, none waived ever. No liability, no assurance. 


33. SAC / HRK




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